In short, be kind, courteous, and respectful toward everyone at our dances and events.
We have a zero-tolerance policy towards prejudiced comments, actions, and/or behavior of any kind. This includes harassment (emotional/physical/sexual) toward anyone attending our events. If we receive any complaints or reports, you will be asked to leave and may be dismissed from our club.
If you have any questions or need help during an event, please seek out a club officer and we will help you.
Maintain an Inclusive Environment
Dancing is open to anyone and everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, or religion. Similarly, anyone can dance any role (lead or follow).
Anyone can ask anyone to dance (ex. A follow can ask a lead to dance).
Never assume what dancing role a person prefers. Communicate what role you'd each prefer before dancing.
Respect Boundaries and Consent
"No" means "No". Anyone can decline a dance for any reason. If you are turned down for a dance, respect that person's wishes and move on.
You do not need to give a reason for declining a dance, and you should not expect a reason from someone.
When asking someone to dance, approach them from the front and verbally ask. Do not grab anyone from behind.
Do not touch others without consent and give space when asked.
Communicate boundaries with your partner before dancing, especially if you have a pre-existing injury.
Ask permission before filming or taking a photo of someone. Club officers will take footage of dance events for our social media, but if you do not wish to be photographed/filmed, tell an officer.
For safety reasons, we do not allow aerials, lifts, or drops at any of our dances even if you are an experienced dancer. In regards to dips, please ask your partner for permission first before dipping them.
A "steal circle" is a designated area in the dance where couples agree to dance until someone "steals" the role of one of the dancers in the circle. It is a fun, light-hearted game and a perfect way to practice your improv and musicality. Here are some guidelines to follow while participating in a steal circle, while also keeping in mind the general Code of Conduct.
Do not steal from other couples outside of the designated steal circle without explicit permission from all dancers involved.
When another dancer steals your place, courteously step out of the circle.
It's never personal! You can always steal back into the circle, but give others a chance to steal before trying again.
Do not grab or pull anyone while dancing or stealing. Being combative or defensive during a steal is unsafe for everyone involved and is disrespectful towards other dancers.
The video to the right is an example of what a steal circle and a successful "steal" looks like.