(This page is currently in progress)

Film Club is a beginner-friendly club dedicated to providing members of the OSU community with collaborative opportunities to master their filmmaking skills. Through productions and team building activities, we hope to elevate the voices of students of all experiences, backgrounds, and levels of technical mastery.

Join Us

https://clubs.oregonstate.edu/findclubs <- Search for "Film Club" and click "Join Now."



Follow us on Socials

Instagram: @filmclubatosu (https://www.instagram.com/filmclubatosu/)

Twitter: @filmclubatosu (https://twitter.com/filmclubatosu)

YouTube: OSU Film Club (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy_U9ZsK02hpQhIT6vxGRdQ)

Vimeo: @osufilm (https://vimeo.com/user162492008)