Oregon State Women’s Rugby is a university club sport that competes with varsity level teams throughout the Pacific Coast. We uphold strong traditions, promote camaraderie, value commitment, and support our community. Women’s Rugby accepts all women, of all skill and fitness levels, in hopes that they will strive for improvement. Our season runs from the beginning of fall term to the first weeks in spring term. We practice five times a week, and have games/tournaments on Saturdays. We travel all over Washington, to many of the universities in Oregon, Idaho, and California. Our goal is to build a highly competitive team that eventually becomes a varsity sport. We want to expand and encourage the rugby community, not only through the university level, but in High School and Senior Clubs as well. Above all else, Women’s Rugby believes in honoring the qualities that makes us extraordinary rugby players and extraordinary human beings.
We play in the Division I Pacific Mountain Rugby Conference with the University of Oregon, Stanford University, Chico State University, University of California, UC Davis, Washington State University, Western Washington University, and the University of Washington.