Welcome to the Oregon State University Amateur Radio Club's Bi-Weekly net on 147.160 MHz with standard offset, PL 100 Hz.
This meeting is held every other Sunday at 7:30PM for the purposes of preserving collegiate amateur radio participation, and to discuss club business. The next club meeting will be held in Snell 229 on Monday, April 30th at 12 PM.
My name is <name>, <callsign> and I will be the net control this evening.
This is an informally directed round-robin net that welcomes check-ins from any station.
<Club business should go here!>
At this time we ask stations to check-in, please go ahead with your callsign.
<After checkins are complete>
Does anyone have any traffic they wish to share with the net?
<After traffic has been exchanged>
At this time, I am returning the repeater to normal operation. Thank you for participating in the net. This is <name>, <callsign> clear.