Some of the equipment you'll find currently operating or waiting to be operated includes:


FlexRadio FLEX-6300

Acquired in 2023, this is a flagship transceiver in our fleet of base station radios. Capable of communicating from 1.8 megahertz (MHz), upwards to 50 MHz, this 100-watt radio is ready to get you going on the high-frequency (HF) bands. Some features include remote operation, full-spectrum analyzer, waterfall history, software noise reduction filters, notch filtering, receiver pre-amplification, receiver attenuation, and more. This radio can operate in AM, FM, single sideband (SSB), and continuous wave (also known as CW, used for Morse code transmissions).

Kenwood TM-V71a

Want to communicate locally? We've got you covered with our Kenwood TM-V71a! This mobile-style radio can receive signals from 112 MHz to 1.2 gigahertz (GHz), and transmit on the 144 MHz and 440 MHz (also referred to as the 2-meter (referring to the frequency wavelength) and 70-centimeter) bands. Power ranges from 5 watts to 50 watts. At 50 watts, a single transmission from this base station can be heard from over 50 miles away! This radio can also operate with digital modes (such as packet and APRS) should one ever want to send text messages or basic data through the airwaves.

Yaesu FT-100 and ICOM IC-706 MK2

These are our mobile HF radios. Whenever we are out at a convention or a showcasing event (e.g. Cookies and Clubs), we bring these with us because they demonstrate the power and capability that the amateur radio service can provide for our community.

Baofeng UV-5R

We have a fleet of six handheld radios acquired in 2022 and these are great for direction finding, talking on local repeaters, using them for digital packet communication, scanning both the 144/150/440 MHz bands, and listening to the national weather radio channels on 162 MHz. These radios are excellent starter radios because they can be acquired affordably. These radios can be computer-programmed, but they can also be programmed through the built-in keypad.

Radios of various vintage...

You might find in the club room the Kenwood TS-2000, older Icom transceivers, vintage military surplus transceivers, and various antenna tuners. Some of this equipment was originally part of the main lineup of equipment used in the club in earlier years but was retired due to new equipment taking their place.


Antenna Bands Description
Alpha-Delta DX-CC 80 / 40 / 20 / 15 / 10m Bi-directional antenna with 1.8 MHz coverage
Hustler 4-BTV 40 / 20 / 15 / 10m Omni-directional general-purpose HF antenna
Cushcraft A4S 20 / 15 / 10m Directional antenna with HyGain CD45-II rotor
Half-wave antenna 144 / 440 MHz Omni-directional antenna with VHF/UHF coverage
Nooelec GOES Mesh Antenna 1.6 GHz Mesh satellite dish for GOES weather reception








As an amateur radio club, we own and operate a couple of repeaters in Corvallis. See the table below for details.

Repeater Location Frequency Offset Access Tone Range
Vineyard Mountain McDonald-Dunn Forest 147.16 MHz +0.6 MHz CT 100 Hz >40 mi
Dearborn Hall OSU Campus 443.05 MHz +5.0 MHz DCS 32 10 mi





Nets are a way for radio operators and stations to meet and discuss topics of various interests. It's like a Zoom meeting but done over the air. W7OSU operates a couple of nets each week. Check out the table below to learn more about our programming!

Net Schedule Repeater / Frequency
Benton County ARES* Tuesdays @ 7:45 PM Vineyard Mountain

*Net is hosted by Benton County Amateur Radio Emergency Services. For more information, visit bcares.org.

All nets hosted by W7OSU will operate during the fall, winter, and spring terms. We do not operate during the summer or on any holiday breaks (including spring break). If you would like to host a net on any W7OSU repeater, contact us at [email protected].


We will have the club room open for drop-ins. Come by to ask questions, see the radio shack, and get behind a radio!

Fridays @ 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Snell 229



OSU Amateur Radio Club
1148 Kelley Engineering
Corvallis, OR 97331-8600
Email: [email protected]



Oregon State University Amateur Radio Club (@w7osu) • Instagram photos and videos