Welcome to the Pi Tau Sigma (Omega Chapter) website. Featured on this site will be useful information for members about upcoming events and activities. For those looking to learn about PTS and possibly become involved, there is also information about student requirements and initiation. 

Pi Tau Sigma is a national Honor Society that seeks to unify exceptional Mechanical Engineering students so that they may use their talents in the service of others. According to the PTS constitution, "The object of this organization shall be to encourage and recognize superior scholarship, to foster the high ideals of the engineering profession, to stimulate interest in coordinating departmental activities, to promote the mutual professional welfare of its members, and to develop in students of mechanical engineering the attributes necessary for effective leadership and the taking up the responsibilities of a citizen living in a democracy." The first PTS chapter was installed in 1915 at the University of Illinois. From that point, the organization has expanded to include over 150 active chapters. Oregon State's Omega Chapter was established nearly 40 years ago. Today, our PTS chapter seeks to provide its members with social activities, leadership positions, and beneficial networking opportunities with both colleagues and industry.

Link to the national website: https://pitausigma.org/index.php/