The purpose of this brotherhood, a service/social Fraternity, dedicated to the needs and the concerns of our communities is and shall be to promote and maintain our traditional values of UNITY, HONESTY, INTEGRITY, and LEADERSHIP. This brotherhood was founded in order to provide, to any man, a diverse fraternal experience which coincides with higher education.
Nickname: ODPhi
National Founding Date: November 25, 1987.
National Founding Place: Texas Tech University - Lubbock, Texas.
Local Founding Date: November 6, 1999.
Mascot: Knight.
Colors: Scarlet and Silver.
Supporting Color: Black.
Sacraments: Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Leadership.
National Motto: “Crescit Eundo" (It grows as it goes).
Theme: One Culture, Any Race.
Goals: -
To graduate our brothers. -
To serve the community and promote higher education. -To excel academically, athletically, and socially.
The interest started with two gentlemen by the names of Leo Ruiz and Victor Perfecto. They both worked at the Centro Cultural César Chávez during the 1998-1999 school year and saw how many Latinos did not have a family away from home or someone to ask questions to in confidence. Another concern shared by both men was having more Latinos stay in school, getting involved, and being supported on campus. They began looking for an organization that would have deep beliefs and also stood for what they believed.
While looking and searching for information on organizations, they met Leonardo Gonzalez and Timothy Barajas on Sunday, June 6, 1999. Both men worked at Boeing and are part of Omega Delta Phi Chapters. After discussing and asking many questions about what Omega Delta Phi stood for and what it had to offer the gentlemen and community of Corvallis, Leo and Victor were still not sure of starting a fraternity, because of what they had seen other fraternities do and stand for. However, after hearing Leo G. and Tim out, they decided that Omega Delta Phi was not like the other fraternities they had known.
Victor and Leo decided to inform others and planned to get Omega Delta Phi started. The first meeting took place on June 9, 1999, where Leo and Victor gave out general information on what Leo G. and Tim had told them about Omega Delta Phi. About 10 students attended this meeting and decided on an unofficial name, which was “Latinos Unidos”. During the summer of 1999, Victor and Leo kept in contact with Leo Gonzalez through e-mails in order to get all the information on starting and understanding Omega Delta Phi. Through their deep interest, they did everything they could to be ready to start the vision in the fall.
Beginning as a Latino-Based Fraternity, Omega Delta Phi quickly began to diversify its base and live by its ideal of "One Culture, ANY Race". Today, the Fraternity includes brothers from many different races, colors, creeds, and walks of life, that which creates a true Multi-Cultural Organization; our Diversity is our strength.
A group of 12 men had the vision and dedication to bring the first Multi-Cultural Fraternity to Oregon. Also, the Alpha Theta chapter was the first Omega Delta Phi group ever to ever go through a fifteen-week Founders Program.
The history of Omega Delta Phi Fraternity® began as the brainchild of Founding Father, Joe Cereceres.
In the fall of 1987, seven distinct men of vision came together at Texas Tech University to form a brotherhood. The purpose of this Brotherhood, a Service/Social fraternity dedicated to the needs and concerns of the Hispanic community, is and shall be to promote and maintain the traditional values of Unity, Honesty, Integrity, and Leadership. This Brotherhood was founded in order to provide, to ANY man, a diverse fraternal experience that coincides with higher education.
Since its founding in 1987, Omega Delta Phi has been an organization perpetually dedicated to the idea of constant growth and improvement. As such, we face the coming of a new millennium with a growing sense of optimism and newfound awareness that “good” will not be good enough. We must work to form an organization, which not only challenges the traditional perception of fraternities, but also the one, which deals with the issues of culture and race from a completely new perspective. Thinking out of the box is no longer an acceptable plateau; the box must now be removed completely.
One Culture, any race. This is a completely new way of looking at ourselves and the world we live in. One culture, any race. A challenge to the closed-minded to look beyond what they believe to be true and realize the truth is largely dependent on one’s perspective. One culture, any race. A philosophy that suggests the coexistence of various races can be a win-win situation if we are willing to learn from one another. One culture, any race – is a motto for a new millennium and a new fraternity.