If you want a quick answer regarding showing movies, serving food, hosting raffles, hiring performers, etc. this is the page for you!
Yes, review the general guidelines student organizations have when considering hosting a bake sale on campus.
In order to show a movie or film on campus, you must secure the Public Performance Rights for the title. Check out the Rules for Videos information on the University Marketing Website for more information and FAQs.
Click here for more information on where you can try to secure Public Performance Rights - Beaver Tips: Public Performance Rights.
Contact our office for support in securing the rights.
The Peer Educators can advise you in how best to identify and create a plan to fund your activities. Make an appointment with Peer Educator by emailing [email protected] to learn about resources and fundraising on campus.
Raffles are seen as gambling and are governed by the Oregon State Gaming Commission. Although, you can go through the process to have a raffle approved, it is much easier if you make your event a free will drawing! This simply means, market your tickets with a suggested donation price instead of a cost. This allows equal access to anyone that wants a chance to win so then the gambling regulations do not come into play. Remember drawing instead of raffle.
If you are an SSO and want to move forward a Raffle, contact the Office of University Events - they will advise you on trying to move forward.
If you are a VSO - contact the Oregon Gaming Commission directly.
The university has identified specific venues that can be permitted to serve alcohol and works with the Oregon Liquor Control Commission for licensure and oversight. This process is time consuming and the first step is to identify a location where alcohol can be permitted and then to submit an alcohol request form to the Office of Risk Management.
The OSU community has established a standard of care and process for engaging youth at OSU sponsored activities. All SSOs (and VSOs hosting OSU sponsored activities) are responsible for maintaining this standard. We would also advise VSOs to be aware of these standards to support informed decision-making related to mitigation of risk for your organization with these activities.
Have a question not addressed above? Email [email protected], and we will get back to you with a response as soon as possible.