Ju | the principle of gentleness, yielding, or giving way |
Do | way, path, or principle |
Judo | the gentle way |
Seiryoku Zenyo | maximum efficiency (through minimum effort) |
Jita Kyoei | mutual benefit and welfare |
Sensei | teacher or instructor |
Dojo | place or club where Judo is practiced |
Gi | uniform (eg: Judogi means Judo uniform) |
Seiza | kneeling position |
Anza | sitting position with legs crossed |
Ritsurei | standing bow |
Zarei | kneeling bow |
Kiotsuke | (come to) attention |
Rei | bow |
Uke | Person receiving a judo technique | |
Tori | Person performing a judo technique | |
Ukemi | Falling practice | |
Uchi Komi | Repetition practice without throwing | |
Randori | Free practice | |
Kiai | Shout during execution of technique | |
Kuzushi | Balance breaking | |
Tsukuri | Positioning | |
Kake | Execution of throw |
Ashi | Leg technique |
Kaeshi | Countering technique |
Kansetsu | Joint locking technique |
Katame | Grappling technique |
Koshi | Hip technique |
Nage | Throwing technique |
Ne | Lying technique |
Osaekomi | Pinning technique |
Renraku | Connecting, combination technique |
Renzoku | Continuous technique of the same skill |
Shime | Choking technique |
Tachi | Standing technique |
Te | Hand technique |
Tokui | Favorite technique, one's favorite |
Ichi | 1 | Pronounced like "each" |
Ni | 2 | Pronounced like "knee" |
San | 3 | Pronounced like "sun" with an "a" replacing the "u" or like "yawn" with an "s" replacing the "y" |
Shi | 4 | Pronounced like "she" |
Go | 5 | Pronounced just like "go" |
Roku | 6 | Pronounced like "broke" without the "b" |
Shichi | 7 | Pronounced like "she" and then the "ch" in cheese, so a chuh sounding noise, so "sheech" |
Hachi | 8 | Pronounced like "ha" from hachoo, as in a sneeze, but followed by the "ch" in "cheese," so "ha-ch" |
Ku | 9 | Pronounced like "queue" or just saying the letter "Q", can also be pronounced "coo" as in "cool" without the l |
Ju | 10 | Pronounced like "juice" but just with the "ju" bit |
Name | Level | Belt |
7th Kyu | White Belt | |
Rokkyu | 6th Kyu | White Belt (Yellow) |
Gokyu | 5th Kyu | White Belt (Orange) |
Yonkyu | 4th Kyu | White Belt (Green) |
Sankyu | 3rd Kyu | Brown Belt |
Nikyu | 2nd Kyu | Brown Belt |
Ikkyu | 1st Kyu | Brown Belt |
Shodan | 1st Dan | Black |
Nidan | 2nd Dan | Black |
Sandan | 3rd Dan | Black |
Yodan | 4th | Black |
Godan | 5th | Black |
Rokudan | 6th | Black or red & white |
Shichidan | 7th | Black or red & white |
Hachidan | 8th | Black or red & white |
Kudan | 9th | Black or solid red |
Judan | 10th | Black or solid red |