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The purpose of the Japanese American Student Association is to empower and educate members, share the Japanese American culture with the students of Oregon State University, and honor cultural diversity.
Provide resources to students that build cultural competency for future professionals. Create a sense of global citizenship and civic responsibility among members. Equip the next generation with leadership and professional development as well as with knowledge of the issues in their communities. By doing this we can effectively advance diversity in a multicultural world.
- Advance diversity in a multicultural world
- Become effective advocates
- Enable Student to Understand and Engage in Global Responsibility and Citizenship
- Networking with similar organizations and OSU departments to develop culturally competent leaders and future professionals to represent the APA community
- Providing opportunities for members to attend workshops, conferences, attain scholarships, and secure jobs
What we offer:
- A Community, Friendship, & Social network
- A Professional Leadership & Academic Focus
- Letters of Recommendation from OSU Staff
- Network Opportunities with APA Members of the Business, Non-profit, and Government Sectors
- Access to Scholarships, Internships, and Jobs
Professional/Philanthropy Events:
- Relay for Life
- Fundraisers (Spam Musubi)
- Oratorical Contests/Essay Contest
- Asian Pacific American Council Events
- JACL Events
- Gov. Carr Documentary Showing
- Model Minority Presentation
- Jeremy Lin Presentation
- Guest Speakers
- Voter Registration (With ASOSU government affairs)
- State Lobbying