OSU IVSA is hoping to purchase equipment that will benefit the clinic for years to come, such as centrifuges, a pulse oximeter, microscopes, etc. We would gratefully accept any monetary donations that will help us purchase these items. Surgery Packs/Instruments
Small Animal Supplies
- Clippers, with cleaner/lube
- Scale – infant type or digital bathroom
- Laryngoscope
- Otoscope/Ophthalmoscope
- Pulse Oximeter
- Ambu bag
- Nasogastric tube (3/4 – 1”)
Large Animal Supplies
- Hoof picks and halters
- Hoof knife, hoof tester, rasps
- Hoof trimmer/nippers
- Emasculator
- Equine dental halter and speculum
Diagnostics Supplies
- Refractometer
- Test tube racks
- Microscopes and cases