Why should you donate to OSU IVSA and help out the community of Ometepe, Nicaragua?

     First of all, dog overpopulation poses a problem on the island, as veterinary services such as castration are not available, and dogs roam freely. This can be detrimental to native wildlife and also leads to an increase in the number of poorly cared for, sick animals. Many of these dogs have never been examined by a veterinarian or received even basic health care. High densities of diseased, free-ranging dogs also pose health risks to the people of Ometepe, acting as reservoirs of diseases and parasites that may be transmitted from these dogs to humans. Diseases may even circulate between dogs, food animals, humans and wildlife. Some problematic diseases include giardia, tape and round worms, rabies, and others.

  Secondly, our program works to educate local people about proper husbandry and care for animals. This is particularly important for the island’s large animal population, which are an integral part of this community’s economic well being. Not only do the individual animals benefit, but the people will be at reduced risk for transmission of disease from animal to human populations if basic principles of husbandry and hygiene can be encouraged.

  Supplies that we must acquire before our departure include medical supplies such as vaccines, medications, gauze, bandages, suture, needles, syringes, as well as more mundane items like paper, tape, towels, blankets and leashes. We rely heavily on donations from veterinary clinics, however, needed supplies that we are unable to get donated must be purchased using a combination of club funds and student resources. Students must also pay for their own airfare, room and board which is around $1500 per person for 14 days. We value the idea of students coming on 2 or 3 consecutive trips so that they can share their enthusiasm with new participants, as well as lend their expertise to the clinics; however, the out-of-pocket cost of these trips quickly becomes burdensome on individual students' budgets.

  Although we put great effort into fundraising outside of and within our school, and are always creating new programs and events to generate funding for our clinics, the amount we need seems to dwarf our fundraising ability. That's why we are trying to reach beyond the Oregon State veterinary school community, and the small town of Corvallis Oregon – that's where you come in! Flying ~20 people to Central America and examining/treating 300+ dogs, cows, pigs, etc, to the highest standard-of-care possible, at a remote location in a developing country is a major logistical feat – one that takes resources!



To help support this program and the animals of Ometepe, consider participating in our Adopt An Animal Program!

       We can use your help by sponsoring the care of a Nicaraguan animal for only $20.   In exchange, you will receive a photo and story about the animal that was in our care including a description of the type of care provided for the animal. You would be sent this information in December of 2017, just in time to make a great Christmas gift for any animal lover..

           After you fill out the form,  please either click the above paypal button to donate, or send a check to:

               Oregon State University 

               College of Veterinary Medicine

               c/o Kristin Wineinger, Class of 2019

               200 Magruder Hall

              Corvallis, OR 97331-4801

Oregon State IVSA thanks you for your donation! 


  We would like to thank the organizations who have donated to OregonIVSA:

  • Albany Animal Hospital
  • Banfield
  • Bayer Corporation
  • Boehringer-Inglehiem
  • Bush Animal Clinic
  • Corvallis Vet Hospital
  • Ethicon
  • Fort Dodge Animal Health
  • Freemont Vet Clinic
  • FSTOP Cafe
  • Hill's
  • Intervet/Schering Plough
  • Lebanon Animal Hospital
  • Merial
  • Miltex
  • My Family Pet Doctor
  • Nestlé Purina PetCare
  • Novartis
  • Oceanside Veterinay Hospital
  • Pfizer
  • ProBone-O
  • Q Street Veterinary Hospital
  • Springfield-Eugene Emergency Veterinary Hospital
  • Town and COuntry Animal Hospital