A student group born from a Discord community, dedicated to doing cool stuff together.
If these words sound vaguely familiar, you should join the club today. Head on over to Get Involved if we've already got you convinced. Otherwise, read on!
The OSU Engineering Discord Server was born over the summer of '21. A place for all Beaver Engineers to come together and socialize. To talk about the projects they are working on, and make plans for the upcoming school year. Throughout the first year the server grew, to over 900 members, and the administrators started to get big ideas of where this group could go. It took the entire school year and many, many late night meetings to decide a direction and file all the paperwork to become a club, but now we are here, at the General Engineering Club.
The purpose of the General Engineering Club is to provide an organized structure for students who are interested in engineering topics to get connected with others, gain experience by working on their own dream projects, and learn to share their stories with the world. To Connect, Collaborate, and Communicate, as we like to say. We aim to be a place where first year environmental engineers can work with senior CS students on prototyping their dream website for connecting environmental impact reports, where an English major who likes to tinker can collaborate with an electrical engineer on making a little robot bug that spits out poetry, or where a whole bunch of strangers can bond over a goal to design a building that is perfect for hosting drone races.
with people across different majors and experience levels
on projects you are passionate about
your ideas and show off the cool stuff you're doing
Structurally as a club, we are composed of a board of directors who plan events and manage club administrative business, and a whole bunch of members who can hang out on the discord, go to the events, and work on their side projects to show off within the club. Our yearly plans are based on our mission statement of Connect Collaborate Communicate, where each term's events are themed around each 'C'. In the spring we host our Student Showcases event where our members are invited to give 'Ted Talk' like presentations on the projects they have been working on. These can be showing off final products or rallying interest for an ongoing effort. We also aim to provide a professional recording of these presentations that can be used in resumes and portfolios.
All membership costs is your involvement! The General Engineering Club is currently funded through the College of Engineering by University sponsors. The more cool stuff you do, the more we can show off, and the more other companies will be interested in funding us!
Unlike most clubs on campus, we do not meet every week. Instead we host around three individual events per term, which normally land on Thursday evenings around 6 or 7pm. If you don't think that's enough, hop on the Discord and let us know your ideas! We're still getting started and can use all the help we can get!
The GEC is open to anyone interested in engineering! We might not be able to offer the same career opportunities to someone outside the college of engineering, but everything else from the skill building to pure fun are beneficial to all. In fact, one of our founding officers is an economics major, but that doesn't make him less of an engineer.