Student Organizations and Activity (SOA) Grants Program (“Grants Program”) provides funding, through student fees, to support the events and activities of recognized student organizations (RSOs) at the OSU Corvallis and Newport campuses. The purpose of the Grants Program is to support diverse and inclusive participation in experiential activities outside of the classroom experiences.
Two types of experiential activities supported by the Grants Program are:
Funding Criteria
Any activity that meets the following criteria may be funded as a Special Event.
Additional Requirements
Budget revisions must be completed and approvable no less than:
Expenses Without Limitations
Accessibility Accommodations - Any costs associated with providing accessible access to special events/activities. Does not count towards the allocation limits.
SOA Signature Events are Special Events with a dedicated SOA Grant budget. Events are considered SOA Signature Events when:
To apply to have an SOA Signature Event budget, please email us at [email protected].
The following RSOs will plan and execute SOA Signature Events during 2023-2024:
Allocation Limits
Up to $1,500 annually (Sept 2023- June 2024)
Accessibility Accommodations - Any costs associated with providing accessible access to special events/activities. Does not count towards the allocation limits.
Budget revisions must be completed and approvable no less than 7 business days in advance of the activity. |
Budget revisions must be completed and approvable no less than 14 business days in advance of the activity. |
SOA will consider providing additional funding for any request you have previously received funding for when there are unforeseen expenses discovered post allocation. Requests need to be submitted within 30 days of the activity & no later than May 31st, 2024. To submit a Budget Shortfall request, please write to us at [email protected].
SOA Grant Suspension
SOA Grant Review
Yes, this can be done by selecting more than additional funding sources on the “campus funding” tab in your activity plan (please note that if this is pertaining to a certain event, all funding requests should be submitted on the same activity plan).