Officers Duties
EECS-GSA Officers Duties
Attends Engineering Student Council (ESC) meetings (shared with the vice president).
Works with the other officers to develop a plan for the year.
Works with the Treasurer to develop the financial plan for the year.
Works with the Secretary and other officers to develop agendas for meetings.
Presides at meetings, keeping them moving at a good pace, making sure everyone has a chance to express their opinion and ideas.
Receives and forwards incoming emails to the other officers on the club’s email address.
Assists the other officers when needed.
Attends Engineering Student Council (ESC) meetings (shared with the President).
Works with the Public Relations Officer to organize recruitment campaigns.
Works as the Event Coordinator with organizing the events.
Assists the other officers when needed.
Manages the financial assets of the club.
Maintains the club’s formal recognition with the university.
Works with the President to develop the financial plan for the year.
Works with the President to develop any report required for the year.
Keeps accurate financial records of all deposits and payments in the club’s shared folder, emails, invoices, and receipts.
Pays bills as approved by the club.
Reports any change to the club’s funds to all the officers immediately.
Keeps the minutes of GSA meetings. Upload them in the club’s folder as soon as possible.
Works with the President and other officers to develop agendas.
Reminds officers of any unfinished business.
Prints out flyers and other documents needed for the club.
Keeps track of the club’s folder, keeping local backups.
Makes room reservations and hosts Zoom meetings.
Public Relations Officer
Manages the club’s social media and website and works with other officers to keep them current.
Works with the Event Coordinator and other officers to create flyers and other advertising material.
Keeps records of email communication, flyers, and other material in the club’s folder.
Works with the Vice-President to organize recruitment campaigns.
Makes opening talks in faculty-student events and/or meetings.
Event Coordinator
Organizes events. Find out about holidays, celebrations, and other ideas for events.
Works with the Public Relations Officer and other officers to create flyers and other advertising material.
Works with the Treasurer to create the budget for events.
Makes all the necessary preparations for the events. Find a venue, arrange food and beverages, and submit the event form on the SLI website.
Coordinates volunteers during the events.
Keeps record of contact information of venues used for events.
Arrange gifts for events.
Committee Chair Duties
Supports committees and communicates any requirements and/or outcomes to the other members.
Assists the other officers when needed.