Who We Are:

The Electrical Engineering & Computer Science Graduate Student Association (EECS-GSA) is a sponsored student organization that the department regards as an official student club. The EECS-GSA organizes social events and faculty presentations and is your advocate regarding your graduate experience and education. Whether you are a member or not, if you have an idea about the department and/or its students, let’s make it happen! Contact us here.

There are no commitments when you become a member - join us today!


Mission Statement:

EECS GSA was formed to engage with graduate students and enhance their experiences while studying in EECS by creating opportunities for personal development and leadership skills, connecting them with the industry, standing next to them, and providing help and support.


EECS-GSA's four main pillars:

     1. Socializing among graduate students over the entire department by organizing events

     2. Connecting students and faculty to increase communication in every aspect of students’ graduate career

     3. Enhance students’ academic experience by connecting them with the industry

     4. Supporting the graduate students by providing a collective voice on behalf of student needs


Event Updates:

Join our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates on our events.


@EECS-GSA Oregon State University


Current Officers:

Click here to see the current officers, and here if you are interested in the officer responsibilities.