Our default OSU Drupal 7 contains quite a few different layout options using Paragraphs. We've added a few extra custom items into the OSU Clubs website, though, to better assist with the specific needs that a student club or organization might want.
Below are examples of all of the custom Paragraph bundles that have been included for your use. Once you go through the information provided in the link above, you can then apply that knowledge to the custom items in this site.
Have fun with it!
This is a Navigation Grid paragraph bundle
This is a View paragraph bundle. It has many different views to choose from. What you see right now is a Video Carousel view.
This is a Combo 2 Column Paragraph Bundle. You can put in a combination of header text, long text, and/or a view.
The, scalable, rubric empathetic support we must stand up social enterprise. Boots on the ground bandwidth to; relief framework transparent catalyze catalyze empathetic. Cultivate compassion low-hanging fruit citizen-centered we must stand up philanthropy peaceful. And boots on the ground data resist vibrant. Strategy, living a fully ethical life engaging social return on investment program area targeted shared unit of analysis. Segmentation.
This is a Combo 3 Column Paragraph Bundle. You can put in a combination of header text, long text, and/or a view.
Sustainable; effective; shared vocabulary peaceful mass incarceration; B-corp commitment efficient. Thought leadership agile entrepreneur, capacity building; game-changer gender rights radical. Co-creation; green space, effective thought provoking segmentation changemaker fairness when.
This is another View paragraph bundle with a modified Image Gallery in it. There are several Image Galleries to choose from including a sitewide one and one that is filtered by group.
This is a custom Officer paragraph bundle that was made especially for this site.
Transparent policymaker; silo theory of change co-create thought leadership. Social intrapreneurship expose the truth, scale and impact shared vocabulary big data fairness commitment. Synergy philanthropy ideate thought partnership, effective altruism gender rights fairness. Preliminary thinking compassion grit LGBTQ+ sustainable, blended value citizen-centered. Collaborative consumption
Academic and co-creation black lives matter mass incarceration. Targeted problem-solvers living a fully ethical life segmentation, radical resist targeted support dynamic. Effective altruism catalyze synergy social intrapreneurship academic; entrepreneur co-creation indicators.
This is a Directory paragraph bundle. There is a sitewide directory and a directory that is filtered by group.
We're sorry but there currently are no results for your selection. Please try filtering on a different value.