Nov. 12th. 2014 |
Faculty Seminar Series - Dr. Krissi Hewitt and Jennifer Collins
- Dr. Krissi Hewitt and Jennifer Collins presented Examining Undergraduate STEM Teaching and Learning Practices at Research Universities.
- Details
Nov. 5th. 2014 |
Faculty Seminar Series - Dr. Semprini
- Dr. Semprini gave a presentation about Engineers Without Borders, and his role of being a faculty adviser to a student group at GSA general body meeting. Here is the presentation material that he used in the meeting. Click the link to see details.
- Details & PPT Download
Oct. 29th. 2014 |
Faculty Seminar Series - Dr. Walker
- Convex Hull: A convex hull is one of the first algorithms discussed in a typical course on computational geometry. If you have any data analysis in your ongoing research, this simple little tool may relieve some of your analysis efforts. At a minimum, you will learn how to take a little geometry and minimal simple vector calculus to find a set.
- Details & m-file Download
- My Long Journey from South Dakota to Oregon State University: Life is about opportunities. Attaining that next awesome job is possible when you can sell yourself by telling stories. Telling stories is easy when you take advantage of opportunities. This talk is usually directed at encouraging undergraduates to take internships, to try new ideas, and to see the world (i.e. travel), but it will be beneficial to graduate students as well.
Oct. 22nd. 2014 |
Graduate Panel Discussion
- GSA had a first graduate panel discussion with experienced upperclassmen graduate students at the GSA general body meeting.
- with Basil Al Sahili, Malachi Bunn, Anna Herring, Matthew Coblyn, Jeremy Campbell, Sassan Ostvar
Oct. 15th. 2014 |
Faculty Seminar Series - Dr. Radniecki
- Upcoming Event : Brunch day-trip to Eola Hills Winery on Nov. 9th, 2014 (Event Details / sign-up here!), Retreat has been postponed to the next term.
- Faculty Seminar Seriers : Dr. Radniecki presented “CBEE Jobs Outlook: Current job status and future prospects (2012-2022)” and had a Q&A session.
(Detail & PPT Download)
Oct. 8th, 2014
Oct. 1st, 2014
- Upcoming Event : Brunch on November
- Notice : Want more staff for GSA (Secretary), GSA gerneral body meeting is on every Wednesday
Sep. 9th, 2014 |
- Upcoming Event : New Student Mixer - discussed about the date(Sep. 23rd), invitation email and raffle event.